About Virtual CFO
The Virtual CFO is a new way for businesses to get CFO support that they wouldn’t have been able to afford previously. Despite having an experienced financial professional at a fraction of the cost of a full-time CFO, a Virtual CFO will carry out all the duties of a traditional CFO, but work remotely and on a part-time basis.
We offer a selection of professional, top-quality financial services in the fields of preparing for a fund raising, developing business plans, implementing systems and processes, implementing budgeting systems, comprehensive financial health check-ups, due diligence, cash flow planning, cost management, tax planning, exit strategy, investor relations, turnaround management, and many more…
1. When you think your company should be more profitable
4. When you need support in strategic planning
2. When you need an experienced sounding board for discussing ideas
5. When you need to find outside financing, without having any bank relations
3. When your policies, procedures and internal controls seem loose
6. When your finance team needs assistance and training
Does My Business Need a Virtual CFO?
September 15, 2019 | No Comments